February 1, 2017
We are very excited to announce that Carrier Sekani Family Services recently received a grant to provide honorariums for guest writers for our culture blog!
The purpose of the CSFS culture blog is to:
We are always on the lookout for stories, photos and brief videos to share appropriate Carrier Culture stories such as;
Have a look at our Carrier Culture blog for ideas on the kinds of stories we share. If you have a story idea, send a brief outline to communications@csfs.org for our input / approval. All stories must be accompanied by 1-3 high resolution digital photographs relevant to the story’s theme. If you are interested in providing a short video to accompany your story, we can work with you on parametes for this as well.
We would like to send a big mussi cho to Spectra Energy for their kind donation to this important cause!
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT