Providing voluntary care services on-reserve, recruit and approve caregivers and care providers, and provide guardianship for children in continuing care.
CSFS is a delegated agency, which means we have authority from the Provincial Director of Child Protection to be responsible for parts of the Child, Family & Community Services Act. Learn more about delegated agencies
The guardianship program is designated to act as the legal guardian for children and youth between the ages of 0 – 19 years of age who are in the legal custody of the Director under the Child Family & Community Services Act.
Guardianship Services also prepares youth that are transitioning into adulthood for post-majority services. Post-majority services provide support and assistance for young adults between the ages of 19 – 27 years of age.
Family support services such as respite, voluntary care agreements, special needs agreements, youth agreements, are provided directly to clients through self-referrals or when a request is made by MCFD or another delegated Indigenous agency; however, the client must be willing to engage in the service as per our C3 delegation.
The Foster Parent program, or Resource Team, directly works with care providers and staffed homes to ensure that Indigenous children and youth in care get adequate care that they need to thrive
The resource team is primarily responsible for recruiting, developing, and maintaining a range of care homes in which to place children and youth in care. Types of homes include Family Care Homes, Safe Homes, Relatives of Children in Care, and Specialized Resources such as group homes and treatment homes.
The Guardianship program provides delegated social workers to work with children who are in care, and are from the 11 communities we serve. We also work with foster parents and group home staff through contracts so they can provide day-to-day guardianship to children in care.
Contact CSFS Resource Workers
Office Location
Prince George
201-1777 3rd Ave
Prince George, BC
V2L 3G7
(250) 561-7016
Burns Lake Office
8-870 Highway 16 West
Burns Lake, BC
V0J 1E0
(250) 692-1800
240 West Stewart St
Vanderhoof, BC
V0J 3A0
(250) 567-2900
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:20 PDT