Agreement-in-Principle Information Page

This page provides information and links to resources about the agreement-in-principle settlements and related cases. We will update the page throughout the process as new information emerges.

Important note: Compensation is not available yet. We will share information on compensation eligibility and the application process as details are known.

About the Agreements

On December 31, 2021, two historic agreement-in-principles (AIPs) were signed regarding compensation and long-term reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program and Jordan’s Principle. The AIPs provide a framework to settle the matters of compensation and long-term reform as ordered by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) and two related class action lawsuits.

Since reaching these agreements-in-principle, Canada and the parties have worked towards final and binding settlements. While work on long-term reform continues, a final settlement agreement on compensation has been reached.

This is a simple breakdown of the differences between the two agreements along with links to more information. More details can be found on the Government of Canada website.

1. Agreement-in-Principle on long-term reform

  • Settlement amount: $19.807 billion
  • Focus: Improving the child welfare services delivered by Canada (First Nations child and family services and Jordan’s Principle)
  • Signed: December 31, 2021 by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, Assembly of First Nations, Attorney General of Canada, Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • Learn more

2. Final Settlement Agreement on compensation

  • Settlement amount: $23 billion
  • Focus: Compensating First Nations children and families affected by Canada’s discriminatory treatment in child welfare services
  • Signed: April 4, 2023 by the plaintiffs in the involved class action lawsuits and Canada
  • Watch the webinar for an overview of the Final Settlement Agreement
  • Read the October 24, 2023 statement from the Caring Society on the Federal Court Approval of the 23.4B Compensation Agreement

AIP Resource List

Related News

Caring Society Statement on the Federal Court Approval of the 23.4B Compensation Agreement

"We honour the children, youth, families, and First Nations who were impacted by Canada’s discriminatory conduct in First Nations child and family services and Jordan’s Principle. This compensation is a small measure of justice for those who lost their childhoods, their families and, in too many tragic cases, their lives. The courage of the First Nations children, youth, and families who spoke their truths to achieve justice during the 17 years of this ongoing litigation has inspired and uplifted us all."

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AFN and Caring Society Announce Revised Compensation FSA

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Caring Society) announce a revised Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) on compensation valued at over $23 Billion for the approximately 300,000 First Nations children, youth and families who experienced discrimination due to Canada’s flawed approaches to First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) and Jordan’s Principle.

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Class-Action Lawsuit for Off-Reserve Children

A class-action lawsuit was approved on June 20, 2022, against the federal government on behalf of Indigenous children taken from their families while living away from reserves and placed in non-Indigenous care.

The AIPs only address compensation for youth and their families from reserves; this lawsuit addresses the gap for off-reserve children.

Learn more

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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT