Safe House - Dzee Ba'yugh (Heart House)

Dzee Ba’yugh (meaning Heart House) safe house program offers a safe place for women and their children fleeing family violence for up to 30 days. 


About the program

While staying at Dzee Ba’yugh, women and their children participate in culturally appropriate programming and receive wrap-around services and supports. 

We will support you with coordinating health, counselling, recreation, education, family and community visits appointments as identified by the youth worker and/or social worker. Depending on current community realities, we can reassess a family’s file and extended their stay month-to-month for a maximum of 12 months.


Who we serve

We prioritize beds for women with children from the 11 CSFS member nations, but our services are available to all women and their children fleeing family violence (based on the availability of beds and space). If beds are not available, we provide advocacy and support in accessing other services.

The program will include advocacy and support in accessing other services if no beds are available at Dzee Ba’yugh.


How we can support you

We provide emergency shelter services for women and their children escaping family violence for up to 30 days. Depending on current community realities, we can reassess a family’s file and extend their stay month-to-month for a maximum of 12 months.

We also provide:

  • Adult beds, bunk beds, and cribs (6 rooms – 22 beds)
  • Participation in cultural activities, ceremonies, gatherings
  • Continued connection or re-connection with home Nation, including immediate family, extended family, clan, etc. 

For more details, view our brochure


Contact Us

Telephone: (778) 924-0004 

Email: dzeeba’

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Last modified: Monday 15-Apr-24 11:44:09 PDT