We offer housing-related support along with information on topics such as health, parenting, alcohol and drugs, housing services, life skills, income assistance, justice, employment, education and culture.
This program is funded by the Urban Aboriginal Working Group and Prince George Nechako Employment and Training Association to help us to enact a great law of sharing with those most in need. We support individuals and families with multiple barriers living in the Prince George area.
Every month, the program hosts a 'Healing Fire' event which is a continued effort to support vulnerable populations in the Prince George community, and increasing the awareness of the Opioid crisis and lack of affordable housing. The event usually includes smudging, traditional drumming and singing.
Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:30pm - 3:45pm at Carney hill neighbourhood centre
#301 - 1777 3rd Ave
Prince George, BC
V2L 3G7
Telephone: 250-563-1281
Fax: 250-563-1748
Email: patrick@csfs.org
SIGN UP for monthly Goozih Eblast
Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:21 PDT