Our goal is to provide meaningful information and services to ensure little ones have their best chance for healthy development
The team works together with families to navigate the early stages of their children’s developmental needs and the process of assessment, diagnosis, and early intervention services when needed.
The Best Beginnings Outreach Program (BBOP) team includes a Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Assistant and three Early Years Outreach Workers (EYOW’s)
The program provides culturally relevant support to Aboriginal children 0-6 years old and their families in Yekooche, Takla, Sai'kuz, Nahleh, and Stellat'en, Woyenne Kindergarten and Fort Babine.
Specifically, the Best Beginnings Outreach Program will support children and families with:
This is a free program that anyone can access through our ECD referral form (see below). The team will do a thorough assessment; goals and planning will be set up according to the family/child needs. An Infant Development consultant will be avialable to meet with the family and do an initial screening.
Office location
Vanderhoof Office
240 West Stewart Street
Vanderhoof, BC
V0J 3A0
Roxanne McCleary
Telephone: 778- 916- 4804
Fax: 250-567-2975
Email: rmccleary@csfs.org
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:19 PDT