Early Years Preschool

Creating a play-based environment by providing positive care and guidance to enable all children achieve their full potential.


About the program

The program goal is to stimulate all areas of your child’s development to ensure access to developmentally appropriate opportunities for optimal growth through self-expression, problem solving, exploration, dramatic play, social and emotional learning. 


Who we serve

We provide early childhood education and care for children and help them develop a range of skills that prepare them for school. Please note that all children must be 3 years of age by December 31 of the current enrolment year. Our preschool is open to all ethnicities.

As children are unique, a 2 1/2-hour preschool class may not be suitable for everyone. If there are difficulties at any time, a consultation will be set up between the educator and the parent(s) to determine what might be best for the child.


Registration Process

The fee per child for preschool is $152.00 per month for two classes a week, but we have been approved for the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative which reduces the fee to $135.00 per month for all families.

Preschool registration for the upcoming school year opens up in May. However, vacancies may become available throughout the year. Please contact Rachel Malcolm at (250) 567-2900 or rmalcolm@csfs.org for registration information


Contact Us

Hours of operation:  The preschool is open on Tuesday and Thursday each week. If there is a change in the schedule, parents will be notified immediately. 

Morning Class: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Afternoon Class: 12:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.


Preschool Location

448 Connaught Street

Vanderhoof, BC.

V0J 3A0


Office Location

240 W.Stewart Street,

Vanderhoof, BC.



Telephone: 250-567-2900

Fax: 250-567-2975




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Last modified: Tuesday 04-Jun-24 14:10:30 PDT