Jordan's Principle Program

Helping clients access Jordan’s Principle funding. Jordan’s Principle helps to ensure First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them.


What is Jordan’s principle?

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle that aims to eliminate service inequities and delays for First Nations children in need of support. The goal is to ensure children have access to the services, products, and supports they need regardless of whether they reside on or off reserve.

Jordan’s Principle is named after Jordan River Anderson, a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation who needed a special home for his medical needs, but the federal and Manitoba governments could not agree on who should pay for his home-based care.

Learn more about Jordan River Anderson and the program



Who can access Jordan’s Principle

A child under the age of majority in their province or territory of residence can access Jordan’s Principle, if they permanently reside in Canada and if the child meets one of the following criteria: •      

  • Is registered or eligible to be registered under the Indian Act
  • Has one parent or guardian who is registered or eligible to be registered under the Indian Act
  • Is recognized by their Nation for the purposes of Jordan’s Principle (a support letter from your Nation’s leadership is a requirement under this criteria)


Making a request

Requests can be submitted by eligible individuals, family, guardians, and requests can also be submitted for groups of children from multiple families or guardians. Please note that requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about the types of requests and their eligibility requirements:

Please call us to discuss your request.


How we can support you 

Contact our Jordan’s Principle service coordinators to access Jordan’s Principle funding. Click to read more about our coordinators, and go through products and services covered through Jordan’s Principle

  • We will walk you through every step of the application process, provide clarity about necessary documents, and assist with applications completion and submissions.
  • Helping with funding coverage through other agencies, if required. 

Note: In most circumstances, other sources of funding should be considered before applying for Jordan’s Principle.



> Is Jordan’s principle only available to children living off reserve? 

  • No. Jordan’s Principle funding is available for children living on and – off reserve, and it covers a wide variety of services and products including mental health services, medical supplies and equipment, etc.


> Who do children or families contact to get access to services and support?

  • We have two Service Coordinators employed within CSFS that can aid in connecting families with services and supports.  For those who reside outside the territory, they can refer families to another service coordinator in their region.


> How quickly are requests processed under Jordan’s Principle?

  • Requests are processed on a case-by-case basis.  While we can aid in applying, Indigenous Service Canada (ISC) makes the final decision. We can, however, enquire about the status of applications submitted by our team within the organization.


> Can families appeal decisions under Jordan’s Principle?

  • Yes, they can appeal decisions.  Our service coordinators can assist with the appeals process.


> How will families be reimbursed for expenses?

  • We try to work with agencies, companies, and service providers who will bill Indigenous Services Canada directly so that families do not have to pay out of pocket. We cannot say how long it will take to be reimbursed for expenses. However, we also have a mechanism to support families if they are not able to pay up front but this is determined on a case-by-case basis.   


Contact Us

CSFS Jordan’s Principle Service Coordinators:

Shelley Wall

Located in Burns Lake

(250) 251-2747


Cindy Ashe – Regional Jordan's Principle Coordinator

Located in Burns Lake – #302 - 492 Highway 16 W, Burns Lake

Office: 250-692-3997

Mobile: 778-349-1073


Prince George Area Coordinator – Currently recruiting


24-hour Jordan’s Principle Call Centre:

For after-hour emergencies, please 

contact Indigenous Services Canada at

1 (855) 572-4453

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week


Last modified: Monday 15-Apr-24 11:46:12 PDT