Mandate, Objectives and Mission
Carrier Sekani Family Services, under the guidance of Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, has been given the mandate to establish a comprehensive infrastructure for social, health and legal programs, for the eventual take-over of these services, consistent with the Tribal Council's objective of working towards Indigenous Self-Government.
Under its Certificate of Incorporation, the objectives of the Society are:
- To develop and deliver health, social, family corrections and legal services in accordance with the needs, socio-economic conditions, and values and beliefs of the Carrier Sekani Nations.
- To deliver all services in accordance with our great law of sharing wealth as set in our Bah'lats (potlatch) system.
- To develop, implement and enhance Carrier and Sekani Human Services philosophies and standards of Indigenous people residing in the Carrier Sekani traditional territory.
- To encourage and initiate activities appropriate to the strengthening and unifying of human service personnel in the Carrier Sekani traditional territory.
- To develop and deliver training programs for the advancement and accreditation of human service workers in Carrier Sekani territory in accordance with Carrier Sekani philosophy and standards.
Our Mission
With the guidance of our Elders, we are committed to the well-being and empowerment of Carrier and Sekani Families by asserting authority over health, social, and legal services.
Our Vision
Yinka Dene living to their full potential
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:26 PDT