Addictions Recovery Program

We create a healing environment by utilizing a holistic approach that promotes a cultural lifestyle free from addictions and restores a sense of pride in the Carrier and Sekani Culture.


About the Program

The integrated Health and Wellness Addiction Recovery Program, "Lhet'sut'en" is delivered by our multidisciplinary team consisting of clinical counsellors and cultural knowledge holders. Take a look at our brochure for more information


Who We Serve

This program is offered to all Indigenous people. The program incorporates a blend of traditional healing practices along with evidence based practices in addictions treatment. Our Wellness Workers program provides community-based addictions services focused on prevention, intervention, treatment referral, and after-treatment support.

We only accept clients registered as Indigenous and that are residents of British Columbia and Yukon. As per First Nations Health Authority (FHNA) policy, we do not accept clients from other provinces in Canada.

Here are some steps to take when applying for treatment programs


How We Can Support You

>   During the summer months (May to October), we offer residential treatment on Nadleh Whut’en territory on a beautiful and sacred site at Ormond Lake. 

Download the referral application package for the Ormond Lake Treatment Centre. You can find more camp-related information in the Related Documents section at the bottom of the page.

>   During the winter months (November to April), our team visits member communities by request. We offer educational and support services with a focus on addiction, and one or two-week treatment programs during the winter. Community visits are open to any northern British Columbia First Nations, based on our availability. Interested communities can fill out our Community Visit Request Form

>   We also offer community outreach workshops, wellbriety sessions (in-person and online), National Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP), ongoing after-treatment care and support, individual counselling etc.


2024 Residential Treatment Sessions Available:

Session 1: April 29 - May 26
Session 2: June 3 - June 30 
Session 3: July 5 - August 1 
Session 4: August 12 - September 8 
Session 5: September 13 - October 10 


Contact Us

Vanderhoof Office Location

240 West Stewart Street
Vanderhoof, BC
V0J 3A0



Front Desk
Telephone: 250-567-2900
Fax: 250-567-2975

SIGN UP for monthly Goozih Eblast

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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:18 PDT