
Baby Welcoming Ceremony in Nadleh Whuten

Baby Welcoming Ceremony in Nadleh Whuten

March 15, 2024

A new generation was welcomed with open arms at the Baby Welcoming Ceremony held in Nadleh Whuten this March, where the community embraced seven new babies. Children born in the past year were honoured – from newborns to babies now taking their first steps.  

This year, the ceremony was done in a Bah’lats system, hosted by the Bear clan. During the ceremony, children from the community were taught the importance of listening to Elders, how to conduct themselves during the ceremony, and encouraged to be kind to one another.

Karen George, Community Health Representative at the Nadleh Health Clinic, says that it is important to familiarize the newborn babies with the community.
“We decided to do a Bah’lats style this year because we want to educate the parents and children about the importance of community in raising a child. Like the famous saying goes ‘it takes a community to raise a child.’ It takes the support of everyone to ensure that our children grow up in environments that enable them to thrive. We hope that by welcoming them into their temporary clans, it will foster a sense of cultural pride and integrity. As a community, the ceremony was our way of showing support to mothers and parents as they go through the journey,” shares Karen.

Blankets, gifts and yummy food were given to the newborns and children in community. The atmosphere was filled with love, pride, with lots of drumming and singing.


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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT