June 12, 2023
Over the past six months, workers have been preparing the site for the future home of the Carrier Sekani Family Services Tachick Lake Healing Centre. Today Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) held a ground-breaking ceremony to commemorate the start of construction for the long-awaited treatment and healing centre.
“First Nations people have never been so heavily-impacted as now by the recent onslaught of disasters, including the toxic drug supply, that are causing death among Indigenous people in disproportionate numbers. One would think that these deaths are isolated to major city centres but the fact is that it is everywhere – including some of our most rural and remote reserves. We have seen the community isolation necessary under COVID-19 add to an increase in alcohol consumption among our people -this, and other mental health and addictions continue to impact families. While First Nations people are resilient in countering the historical effects of colonization, today’s environmental hazards have compounded the social, health and economic problems in our communities,” says CSFS Board President and Chief of Cheslatta Carrier First Nation, Corrina Leween. “It is our vision that the Tachick Lake Healing Center will be a catalyst for change – and highlight how many more resources are required for community-based supports, including ongoing counselling, housing and employment training, if we are to make meaningful changes.”
The Tachick Lake Healing Centre will provide medical detox, and a residential treatment program that uses both cultural and western treatment modalities. Four structures will provide year-round residential treatment and the facility will offer a 10-bed medical detox program for immediate access to medically supported detox, as well as a 36-bed residential treatment program.
The program works under the belief that First Nations’ culture and spiritual way of living, which honours and respects all creation, will empower communities and strengthen First Nations people. This service is a great example of the integration of Tradition and Western treatment strategies, which is reflective of our program's vision statement: ‘Culture is healing.’
The program is built upon the concept of “land-based healing”. This refers to a way of using culture on traditional lands to promote wellness and healing. For this reason, it is important that our residential treatment centre, and the healing activities our program does in communities, is based on the land. The location of our treatment centre is therefore vitally important to our program’s structure.
The site will include medical detox facilities, residential spaces, and land-based healing spaces like greenhouses, gardens, smoke houses, outdoor kitchen and workshop areas to use as a multipurpose space for activities such as carving or yoga.
“The Healing Centre will provide health and treatment based on sound practises including cultural, spiritual, social and science-based medical treatments,” states CSFS CEO, Warner Adam. “Our vision is to be a Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Health and Wellness and demonstrate our ability to work with all partners to ensure that our people have the supports needed to re-gain their dignity and a solid path forward for healing.”
The construction of the Healing Centre is scheduled for completion in Winter 2025. CSFS expects to welcome staff and clients for services starting in Spring 2025.
CSFS has already commenced the hiring of trained staff, including physicians, nurses, allied support staff, cultural support staff, and various positions needed to operate the new facility.
The construction cost of the Tachick Lake Healing Centre is approximately $40 million. CSFS wishes to thank the gracious funders who supported the development of this crucial resource: the First Nations Health Authority, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada.
Donations are welcome as CSFS and communities work to put an end to the struggles of people addicted to a poisoned and devastating drug supply in northern BC: https://www.csfs.org/payments/donations
Contact Person: CSFS Communications: 778-349-1676
Email: communications@csfs.org
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT