
Bringing cultural connection and care to those living away from home

Bringing cultural connection and care to those living away from home

January 27, 2022

Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) has opened satellite offices in Vancouver. This office space serves as a hub for outreach services throughout the Lower Mainland to support service delivery for urban and away-from-home Indigenous people from CSFS member Nations. CSFS staff help reconnect people living away from their home communities with culturally safe services as well as connection to culture and community.

Currently, services offered in the Vancouver office focus on Family Preservation. In this program, we work with families who are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), at-risk of MCFD involvement, or who are seeking support and information on parenting. Our workers are dedicated to supporting families in their health and well-being in a holistic and respectful manner.

Our Vancouver office will also offer a Roots program. The Roots worker assists children who are in the care of the MCFD with the goal of helping them develop meaningful relationships with their Indigenous community, culture, family, and extended families.

While priority for service are those who belong to CSFS member Nations who are living in the Lower Mainland, we also work collaboratively to support members who are traveling to Vancouver for services and appointments by collaborating with family preservation and guardianship services based out of Prince George, Vanderhoof, Fort St James and Burns lake and surrounding areas to offer continuity of service.

The CSFS offices, located just across the Lion’s Gate bridge, also operate as the CSFS ‘home base’ for executive and corporate functions.

Carrier Sekani Family Services is a non-profit health and wellness organization that has been working hard to offer holistic wellness services for member Nations for over 30 years. The organization was created to reassert First Nations control of justice, health, social and family services, all of which have suffered through colonization.

Our staff work together across various disciplines to provide the best possible wellness services and primary care to First Nations people in and from Carrier and Sekani territory. CSFS provides services to 11 member Carrier and Sekani Nations including Saik’uz, Stellat’en, Nadleh Whut’en, Takla, Yekooche, Burns Lake Band, Lake Babine Nation, Wet’suwet’en, Cheslatta, Nee Tahi Buhn, and Skin Tyee.


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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT