April 20, 2020
The Online Community Support Session for the Federal Indian Day School Class Action is scheduled for April 21, 2020, running from 4 pm-5:30 pm. This session is hosted by Gowling WLG and is designed to provide information on the claims process and how to complete the form.
Contact Catherine Lessard,BPl, Indian Residential School Support Worker for more information and assistance.
Hadi, Catherine Lessard le soozi, Nak’azdli whusti’. Stsoo Catherine Coldwell uzdani,’inkez sloo, Barbara Lessard, si Lusilyoo ust’oh.
Hi, my name is Catherine Lessard from Nak’azdli. My grandmother is the late Catherine Coldwell and my mother is Barbara Lessard and belongs to the Lusilyoo Clan.
I am currently working with Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) as the Indian Residential School Support Worker and located at the Vanderhoof office. I will be available to assist with information on Federal Day School Claim forms, process and research documents needed to complete the claim form.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, I will be unavailable to meet in person, however, I will be available via email, phone or video conferences.
Email: clessard@csfs.org
Phone: 250-996-8090
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT