October 31, 2022
Youths in care will have access to new and increased rental supports until the age of 27. The Province of BC is introducing expanded housing supports for young adults with care experience who live in the private rental market in British Columbia.
In an effort to ease their transition into adulthood, the new program allows each recipient to receive $600 per month for two years, or until a youth’s 27th birthday -- whichever comes first.
Young adults who are renting in the private rental market within BC are encouraged to apply OR those who meet one of the following criteria:
· Are eligible for the Agreements with Young Adults Program
· Spent 24 cumulative months in any care status between ages 12 to 19
· Were adopted/had their custody permanently transferred to someone other than their parent between ages 12 to 19.
Over 50% of the rent supplements will be awarded to Indigenous young adults, who are so over-presented in the government-care system. The new and enhanced housing programs supports eligible individuals to transition to independence while remaining stably housed and decrease the prevalence of homelessness in British Columbia.
To apply for the rent supplement program or explore upcoming support and services, visit the Youth Transitions web page regularly for more information.
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT