Culture Blog

Building a life of Trust

Building a life of Trust

Feb 27, 2024
Category: General 

By Chief Corinna Leween

We build trust through safety, respect and reliability. Trust is the bedrock of any thriving workplace and community. At CSFS, we understand the impact trust has on building and maintaining relationships. From building trust among colleagues to extending it to our clients and communities, it remains integral to everything we do.

You need to have trust in everything you do in life because it shows who you are as an individual. If you don't trust in yourself and you don't trust in those that you're working for, it can be difficult for things to work.

Trust is the fabric of life.

I have been with Carrier Sekani Family Services as president for about 20 years. The longevity of that work is because I trust the organization and the work we do not only at the community level, but also in the upper government level. For example, in situations where we have to work on acquiring the funds that help us carry out our work. With trust things can be resolved quickly, and everyone has a chance to participate in fixing a problem.

It is important for me to gain the trust of those relying on me and my work. The integrity that goes with that, and the honour of being trusted, impacts me significantly.

It is really important that with the businesses, organizations and/or government that you work for, there is a foundation of trust. You cannot do business without trust; trust has to be part of every facet of your life, in your work, with your family and friends. You have to uphold the value of trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy and successful workplace environment. It positively influences collaboration, communication, job satisfaction, organizational reputation, and adaptability to change. Cultivating trust is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort from leaders and employees at all levels of the organization. 


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