Highway of Tears Initiative- Calls for Justice

The Calls for Justice program encompasses and oversees the Highway of Tears Initiative, which addresses historical and systemic issues of women missing or murdered along the Highway 16 corridor. 


About the program

The Calls for Justice program advocates for the safety of Indigenous women in alignment with the 33 Highway of Tears Recommendations and the 231 Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.

The program works alongside the Highway of Tears Governing Body which is representative of families and loved ones of those who have been lost along the Highway of Tears. We also provide violence and victim prevention, along with awareness education for individuals, communities and service providers situated along the Highway of Tears corridor.


Why we do this

With respect and love for our missing or murdered loved ones along the Highway of Tears, we are committed to fulfilling the 33 recommendations from the Highway of Tears Recommendations Report to end the violence towards Indigenous women and our communities. For more information, visit the Highway of Tears website


Did you know?

  • We serve and support communities along Highway 16 from Prince George to Prince Rupert. 
  • We do this work because Indigenous women are killed at nearly 7 times the rate of non-Indigenous women (Statistics Canada, 2021)
  • More than 6 in 10 Indigenous women have been physically or sexually assaulted at some point since the age of 15 (Statistics Canada, 2021).

For more resources, visit https://highwayoftears.org/resources/

The Calls for Justice program continuously fundraises to support a number of projects and services. Visit our donations page for more information


Contact Us

Office location

#301 – 1777 3rd Avenue
Prince George, BC
V2L 3G7

Tel: (250) 961-4776

Email: cshuvera@csfs.org



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Last modified: Monday 15-Apr-24 11:45:49 PDT