October 6, 2021
Carrier Sekani Family Services is pleased to announce our upcoming CSFS Speaker Series: A Four Pillars Approach to Creating a Community Drug Strategy.
The series will run each Tuesday at 10am-12pm during the month of November. This Speaker Series will be offered virtually over Zoom for community members, Band staff, CSFS Staff, and invited guests to create increased awareness, knowledge and agency for CSFS and Member Nations.
The Four-Pillars Speaker Series will consist of a number of short presentations by experts, knowledge holders, and educators from the field of Harm Reduction, Research, Family & Parenting, Opioid Agonist Therapy, Indigenous Healing and community wellness. Each speaker will be followed immediately by a facilitated brainstorming and discussion group with community participants. These sessions and discussions will create the blueprint for how CSFS and Member Nations can work together through the Four Pillars of Prevention, Treatment, Harm Reduction and Justice to address addictions, trauma, and health and wellness.
The actionable outcomes of the speaker series will be tailored to each community, as the actions will be created by community members for their communities. This homegrown design concept will be able to reach the heart of the challenge as the knowledge providers will be working from a lived-experience lens. This series will lead to creative solutions that have lasting impactful and positive outcomes for your community.
To register click here, or contact Jacob Carpenter at jcarpenter@csfs.org.
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT