
A Mother’s Prayers Answered

A Mother’s Prayers Answered

June 23, 2021

By Jordan Cryderman

After a long wait, Trina Nooski has finally received a new kidney – and a second chance at life.

Since 2015, Trina has been battling Stage 4 kidney disease with medications and countless doctor appointments. Doctors told her that she would need a new kidney in order to return to normal life.

A family member of Trina’s was found to be a compatible donor;  however, that all changed in 2019 after Trina became  pregnant with her fifth child. Miraculously, Trina gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Unfortunately, not only did the pregnancy add stress to her kidneys, it also changed Trina’s blood and, as a result, her family member was no longer a compatible kidney donor. 

Trina was then placed on  dialysis to  keep her stable. This was only a temporary measure as what she really needed was a new kidney. 

Since her family member was no longer a match, Trina and her family have been lobbying for people to get tested in the hopes that a compatible donor could be found. 

Then, two years later, on May 21st 2021, Trina’s prayers had been answered – a donor had been found.

“I was crying, and happy, and shocked,” says Trina. “Overwhelmed. Feeling everything.”

Things were moving fast after that, as Trina and her family were told to get to Vancouver the following day. On May 22nd, Trina would be in surgery for her kidney transplant. The surgery was a success.

“The first week after my surgery was pretty tough,” says Trina.

Four weeks later, Trina says that recovery is going smoothly.

“Completely different story. It’s amazing right now because I’m walking around and don’t have to go on dialysis anymore. I’m just happy to have a second chance at life.”

Trina says that recovery could take up to six months, but she’s more focused on the freedom and joy of returning to a normal life with her family.

“Right now I have to take a lot of medication. And I still have to watch what I eat. They said it could take up to six months to be back to normal. I’m just really happy… being the mom that I can be to my children, and returning back to work hopefully soon.”

Trina, her husband Kirk, and their youngest child, Easton, will have to stay in Vancouver for a minimum of three months while Trina recovers. Such a long stay is financially straining, and so Trina’s family has set up a silent auction to help the family during their time of need.

For more information on the silent auction and how you can help Trina Nooski and her family, head to the Kidney ForTrina Facebook page.

Please join us in wishing Trina a healthy and speedy recovery!


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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT