
A Crucial Flu Season is Upon Us

A Crucial Flu Season is Upon Us

October 6, 2020

By Jordan Cryderman


As the weather starts to get colder, and the leaves fall, we enter the 2020 flu season as we look to protect the Elders and other people who are at greater risk of developing complications. Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) is here to serve the communities and assist with flu vaccinations. The flu shot not only protects yourself, but also your family, during these uncertain times.


COVID-19 has been a major headline since the onset of the pandemic back in March of 2020, and so it is understandable that it is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. However, it is critical that we remember the damage that the flu can cause in our communities, especially during an ongoing pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has made it that much more important to protect yourself, and your loved ones, from the flu. The flu and COVID-19 are two different viruses, but there is a risk of getting one or both at the same time. Both viruses present similar symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, aching muscles and joints, headache and fatigue. If you present these symptoms, even if it is the flu, you will be required to get tested for COVID-19 and possibly quarantine yourself. 


The flu vaccine has been available for decades, is very safe, and is the most effective method in preventing the flu. With the flu shot, we can help reduce the spread of the flu while we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also important to continue following best practices outlined for COVID-19, such as washing your hands often, physical distancing, and wearing a mask.


Much like COVID-19, there are those that are at a greater risk to experiencing complications if they contract the flu. According to the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), “the flu vaccine is recommended every year, especially for those at high risk of serious illness, such as Elders, babies over six months of age, and people with chronic medical conditions,” which includes diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and hypertension. 


Carrier Sekani nurses will be organizing flu shot clinics and home visits in all communities as soon as this year’s vaccine is made available. 


This flu season will be unique amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and the risk of contracting one or both of these viruses will be high if we do not take the proper precautions. However, we have the proper tools to combat the flu, and should take advantage of them, while a vaccine for COVID-19 remains to be discovered.


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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:29 PDT