The first post in our Traditional Stories series, check out a few tales about the Carrier trickster - Estas!
We were delighted to have Noleen McQuary join us recently to share some of her knowledge around Carrier Birch Bark Basket making.
Our final traditional medicine blog post features information shared by our research participants on animal medicines.
This post contains some of the knowledge shared from the our Traditional Medicine Resarch Project participants around harvesting and preparation of...
In this third blog post in our Traditional Medicines Series we will explore the different types of healing identified by our research participants...
An important part of the Carrier Sekani Family Services mandate is to provide culturally relevant and safe services for our citizens. It is our...
This article outlines the traditional Carrier First Nations food and medicininal use for G'oos (pronounced G-wus), otherwise known as Cow Parsnip....
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:28 PDT