Chef Andrew George shares his wisdom, insight, and culture in this interview.
CSFS Maternal Child Health program organizes an off-season canning demonstration to interact and promote Indigenous culture
Our final traditional medicine blog post features information shared by our research participants on animal medicines.
This post contains some of the knowledge shared from the our Traditional Medicine Resarch Project participants around harvesting and preparation of...
In this third blog post in our Traditional Medicines Series we will explore the different types of healing identified by our research participants...
In this second article in the Carrier Traditional Medicines series, we explore some of the philosophy around respect when harvesting traditional...
An overview of a research project conducted in 2003 by CSFS to preserve Carrier traditional medicine is provided in this article, along with photos...
CSFS Nurse Educator and member of Stellaquo Sarah Hein shares information about the Carrier medicine and 'indian icecream' whipped treat Nah 'wess,...
This article outlines the traditional Carrier First Nations food and medicininal use for G'oos (pronounced G-wus), otherwise known as Cow Parsnip....
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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:28 PDT