About Us Overview

Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) has been working hard to offer holistic wellness services for Member Nations for 30 years. Our organization was created to reassert First Nations control of justice, health, social and family services, all of which have suffered through the process of colonization. Our staff work together across various disciplines to provide the best possible holistic wellness services to First Nations people in Carrier and Sekani territory. We offer a wide scope of services, all aimed at supporting holistic wellness for our community members. All of our programs are built on a strong cultural foundation, uniquely blended with leading evidence-based approaches.

At Carrier Sekani Family Services, culture is at the base of everything we do. All of our services are aligned with the basic Bah'lats (Potlatch) principles and values, which have been passed down to us through our ancestors. The Bah'lats system is the Carrier system of governance, which is used to maintain order and good ways of living in all areas of life including justice, land stewardship, spirituality, values and conduct. At the heart of the bah'lats system is the great law of sharing, and the principles of respect, responsibility, compassion, wisdom, caring and love. No principle is understood to have greater significance than another principle, and through this approach, balance is upheld.

The approach we use in our service provision is best described under the Carrier Life Cycle Model. The Life Cycle approach recognizes that everyone and everything is interconnected and interdependent, and that there are multiple determinants of wellness for people in each age group. With the historical impacts of colonization affecting the health and wellness of the Carrier and Sekani people, providing services through culturally relevant and holistic methods ensures that wellness can be restored and strengthened for our individual clients, families, communities and Nations.

Within the Carrier Sekani Family Services Mandate of providing health, social, family and legal services to our member Nations, we offer a myriad of services including:

Health Services

  • Registered nurses and Residential Care Aides that serve ten of our Carrier Sekani Member Nations
  • A diabetes clinic that travels to northern and remote First Nations communities
  • Programs to help children overcome physical delays and learning delays
  • Support for patients and their families while in the hospital
  • An integrated mental wellness counselling, and addictions program with a fully accredited healing camp
  • Tele-health and primary health services
  • Cultural Liaison workers to support all aspects of service delivery

Child & Family Services

  • Family foster homes for Carrier children
  • Social workers who provide protection services for First Nations children in foster care
  • Support for individuals and families involved in Child Protection investigations
  • Child welfare planning which includes the needs of First Nations parents
  • Walk Tall Youth programming
  • Family visiting programs which connect children and youth with their families and communities
  • Bridging and Life Skills Programs that help First Nations people learn new skills
  • An urban soup bus that feeds more than 500 people every day
  • Cultural programs and healthy activities for adults and children

Legal and Research Services

  • Studies on health and social issues in our member First Nations
  • Planning for child welfare services based on wisdom from elders and families
  • Researchers that collects and preserve Carrier knowledge and culture
  • A Family Justice Program to help families plan for the safety of their children.

The Late Larry Rosso from Lake Babine Nation, Beaver Clan created our logo in 1991. The mother bear represents protection, safety and wellbeing for all of our Carrier and Sekani citizens. The baby bear cub on the mothers back represents the children being at the centre of all that we do. The helping hand represents the services provided by our agency to support holistic wellness in partnership with our member Nations. Our agency tagline 'creating wellness together' often accompanies our logo to further communicate our partnership in creating wellness with our Nations.

Carrier Sekani Family Services logo

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Last modified: Wednesday 03-Apr-24 12:36:26 PDT